Chazan Eliot Alderman

The Rinah Ensemble
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The Rinah Ensemble

Since 2005, Chazan Alderman has directed his own professional choral group, The Rinah Ensemble, in a wide variety of services, concerts, weddings and other events. Below is a selection of recordings of The Rinah Ensemble singing together with Chazan Alderman. If you would like to book the choir for any event, please get in touch with Chazan Alderman via the "Contact" page. 

Selections of Ashkenazi music:

Saqui's Yigdal

Uvnucho Yomar - Lewandowski

Essa Einai (Ps. 121) - Verrinder

Selections of Portuguese-Sephardic music:

Ochilah laEl - from High Holy Day service

Chatanu Tsurenu - from Selichot service

Lechah Dodi

Hishki Hizki - anniversary piyut from the Amsterdam Portuguese synagogue

Psalm 23 - Henry Pereira Mendes

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